If you’ve gotten married or had a baby in the last decade, it’s likely you own a copy of Bridal Bargains or Baby Bargains. DCN’s ‘Betcha Didn’t Know Colorado series is here to tell you that consumer advocates, Denise and Alan Fields (pictured left), reside right here in Boulder on the same street as the famous Mork & Mindy house (pictured below). These University of Colorado college sweethearts know how to save you a bundle on your wedding and baby wares, NaNuNaNu.

First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage
Having met in the Kittredge West CU dormitory during the infamous 1984 blizzard, Denise, a Loveland native, and Alan, a Dallas transplant, began their forever partnership. Upon graduating from CU in 1987, the engaged couple moved to Austin, Texas. In their quest to plan an affordable wedding, they came upon the idea to write a local how-to wedding guide. The couple jokingly admits to DCN that these books were necessary, as “this was in the age before the Internet.” Shortly after publishing several local wedding guides, they penned their first national book, Bridal Bargains, which reigns as the top-selling bridal book on the market today.
Missing the Colorado peaks and crisp mountain air, the couple returned to Boulder in 1993, where they have lived ever since.
And Then Comes Baby
In their commitment to take their loyal readers through every life-stage, the couple began writing another national book and perhaps their most popular title, Baby Bargains, when their two sons, Ben and Jack, were born. In this book, the couple explores what baby gear items are must-haves and what are must-don’ts. This well-researched book explores everything from how to save money on big ticket items, like cribs and strollers, to saving money on smaller items such as diapers and baby bottles. A review on Amazon.com says it all, “Every new mother-to-be should cling to this book for every purchase.” We agree.
Today, this couple enjoys the relaxed lifestyle the city of Boulder offers. They often can be spotted at West End Tavern (926 Pearl Street), Rio Grande (1101 Walnut Street) and Black Cat (1964 13th Street), all favorite Boulder restaurants where they frequently dine.
DCN personally thanks this hometown power couple for their wonderful insight into the world of baby gear (and we thank them for their time in helping us launch our first “Betcha Didn’t Know Colorado blog entry for DCN too).
Oh, and Alan offered DCN a fun local spin – while at CU, he co-hosted a radio show with none other than Jon Caldara, who is now KOA’s outspoken conservative radioman. It looks like both former CU radiomen have done well for themselves!
Be sure to check out the Fields’ list of best-selling books, including other titles such as Baby 411, Toddler 411 and Toddler Bargains. All are available for purchase online at
http://www.windsorpeak.com/ – tell ‘em DCN sent ya!