Monday, April 14, 2008

Carmelo Makes Uh Oh

Nugget's superstar, Carmelo Anthony, 23, was arrested early this morning on suspicion of drunk driving. He was cited at 4:00 am on April 14 at I-25 and 20th Street. It's likely the all-star forward was celebrating the Nuggets defeat of the Houston Rockets. Within games of clinching a playoff spot, the young player, who has been a gossip target in the past, should have known better.

Let's hope Anthony's stupidity doesn't lead to a suspension (although it probably should). As you may recall, Anthony bears some blame when he threw punches at the Knicks-Nuggets game last season and caused his suspension - and perhaps cost the Nuggets the a higher conference seeding last year and forcing them to play the Spurs in the first round... and we all know how poorly that ended.*

Anthony joins the Nugg's Idiot Hall of Fame, joining fellow player, Kenyon Martin, who was arrested for speeding in 2006.

Blame Anthony's stupidity on his age? Or just blame him for being stupid? DCN wants to know. Leave me a comment.

*Written by DCN's husband - DCN has no idea how poorly it ended :-)


Unknown said...

Carmelo - you putz. With the $13 million per year you're making, you should have called a cab.

Jennifer Finke said...

Amen, Darren. And Carmelo should be setting a better example for his baby boy too. I'd like to see him do some community service - maybe pick up trash from the spot he was pulled over.