Don't forget that my blog has moved! Check my current blog entries out at the
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Crush QB’s sister-in-law and former Idol extends 15 minutes of fame
Many Coloradoans fell in love with American Idol wannabe and country crooner, Kristy Lee Cook, earlier this year. The good news is that we haven’t heard the last of Cook – nor will we.
This blond beauty and sister-in-law of Colorado Crush’s quarterback, John Dutton, has just signed her first record deal with 19 Recordings / Arista Nashville this week.
People magazine reports that Cook’s first single, “15 Minutes of Shame,” will be released on August 11, with an album due out this fall.
Yee-haw ya’ll!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Breck's most famous snowboarder may be engaged
Yes, it's true. Jessie Csincsak, the totally rad pro-snowboarder from Breckenridge, is still in the race for the Bachelorette's heart. I know, it's hard to believe that Csincsak, who is as naive as Big Bird and as ready for marriage as George Clooney, might already be engaged to this season's prize, Bachelorette DeAnna Pappas.
This shocking news came during last night's rose ceremony on ABC's The Bachelorette, in which Pappas shocked fans by dissing favorite, Jeremy Anderson, who is perfectly hot, perfectly smart and perfectly right for her (probably why she didn't choose him).
Tune in on ABC next Monday to root for the hometown dude who enjoys "shredding" in "Breck" and whose words to live by are "stinkin skills or hospital bills."
Van Dyken accused of DOPING?
Olympic swimmer and Colorado native fervently denies accusations made earlier this week by her former teammate, Gary Hall Jr., in which he implies that Van Dyken used performance-enhancing drugs.
Could this be true?!?! Van Dyken, who has never tested positive for any illegal substance, is suddenly forced to defend her good name.
She wrote in an email to the Associated Press, “It is ridiculous that Gary would say something like that.” She also said that Hall’s words are “… slanderous, outrageous, and unfounded!!!
Hall’s harsh words for Denver’s swim champ came at a recent news conference where he expressed his anger for athletes who use drugs.
He said, "She's [Van Dyken] inducted into the International Swimming Hall of Fame and the U.S. Olympic Hall of Fame, and Marion Jones goes to jail. The only difference was that Marion Jones admitted it, but they were both on the same list.
Could it be that Hall is just a teensy bit jealous that his six gold medals didn’t get him a spot in the U.S. Olympic Hall of Fame while teammate Van Dyken is basking in the glory? DCE has to side with the hometown girl on this one – come on, don’t be a green-headed monster. Prove it before you speak it, Gary!
Read more about this story in the Denver Post. I'm sure we haven't heard the last of this one...
The Samples Lead Singer Sets Sights on Solo Career
On April 7, 2008, Sean Kelly, the lead singer and last remaining original member of The Samples, thought it was time to call it a day. He wrote in a letter to his fans, “The long and winding road for The Samples has ended.”
It was indeed a long and winding road for the 22-year old underrated band from Boulder that has survived many management woes and band member turn-over.
In an effort to learn more about the man responsible for writing and/or performing amazing songs such as Feel Us Shaking, Did You Ever Look So Nice and Weight of the World, CE sent Kelly an email to find out what’s next for this alternative-folksy-rock musician with a distinguishable voice and refreshing candor. Of course, Kelly, who is as gracious as ever, obliged to participate in an interview with this budding blogger.
CE: Why did The Samples break up?
Kelly: I found myself putting so much into it and not getting an equal amount out of it. I feel that the business side of my music has perpetually been mismanaged by individuals whom know nothing about music or people but rather self preservation of themselves. My last management debacle was the end for The Samples. Trying to exist for 20 years going against the best wishes of morally insufficient business associates got me a bit worn down. That's how they work and some how tend to sadly win.
CE: What do you think is The Samples greatest legacy?
Kelly: Strength and perseverance while telling stories through song.
CE: What's next for Sean Kelly?
Kelly: I would like to make a really great solo CD and continue playing music as much as I can.
CE: When can we expect a solo album?
Kelly: I have just recently begun the process of recording and writing. I am always curious what my thoughts will come up with. I just channel ideas and then translate them into music.
CE: What do you think the hardest part will be in terms of transiting from a band to a solo artist?
Kelly: Having the focus on me more than I am used to.
CE: What's on your iPod?
Kelly: Cricket sounds on a loop.
CE: The Samples were always considered a Boulder/Denver band – do you come here often?
Kelly: Yes, usually several times a year.
CE: What Colorado bands should we keep our eye on?
Kelly: Whatever band that Heath Whitney is in. He used to play in Boulder in a band called 80 West.
CE: What is your favorite Colorado venue to perform at?
Kelly: Tulagi’s in Boulder! Unfortunately they took it down.
CE: Freestyle Questions
Colorado Bands: One Republic or The Fray? Both!
Barack or Hillary? Barack with Ralph Nader as VP
Law and Order or Grey's Anatomy? Grey’s Anatomy
Jay Leno or Dave Letterman? Dave
CE: Is anything you want the people of Colorado to know?
Kelly: Yes, a few things: Some of my absolute greatest memories in life took place in Colorado. I also wrote a song about my years in Colorado. It’s called “Wild River.” And The Samples gave the Dave Matthews Band their start in Colorado. (CE note: DMB actually opened for The Samples back in the day!)
CE: Any final thoughts on Colorado?
Kelly: “Although it’s a bumpy ride, it had the best scenery!”
“I feel a bit like Forrest Gump when he stopped running, turned around and said ‘I think I am going to go home now.’” – Kelly in his farewell letter to fans
Local Design Star Dishes on Reality TV, his Colorado Roots and Phil Anschutz
The Celebrity Examiner stands corrected. The very kind Matt Locke, who is competing in this season’s reality show, HGTV’s Design Star, did indeed return my message and has graciously agreed to an interview. Apparently Locke was in New York for a “fun press event” for Design Star and couldn’t get back to me last week (ah, living the famed life already!).
While this Colorado Springs native (whose parents and sister still live in Colorado Springs) was careful not to give away any indication on whether he is the Design Star champion, this Air Academy High graduate did dish about life in the reality spotlight, his favorite high school hangouts and why he’d like to dine with Phil Anschutz.
CE: How did you become interested in Design Star?
Locke: I watched both seasons when I moved to LA and thought, “I’m a designer, I love TV, I should do that!”
CE: What is/was your strategy when competing on the show?
Locke: This show is about talent so I tried to focus on doing my best work. I also wanted to get along with the other designers because I knew we’d all be teammates on challenges at some point.
CE: What surprised you most about being on the show vs. watching the show in previous seasons?
Locke: It’s much, much harder than it looks. The cameras really are on us all day and there is no behind-the-scenes help with the challenges. Whatever we finish, or don’t finish, they show.
CE: There's buzz on the website that you're an early favorite to win - anything you can hint to us here?
Locke: I went all out on my design board and portfolio so I think that set a good tone with the judges; then Mikey and I rocked the first challenge with a cool bed solution.
CE: What are your favorite hang outs in Colorado Springs?
Locke: I grew up taking art classes at Bemis so I always loved downtown; the Fine Arts Center with its beautifully restrained art deco architecture and the Ritz when it opened 20 years ago before it was a nightspot. My friends and I would drive down there in high school and we thought we were impossibly cool.
CE: Do you come to Colorado often?
Locke: Not as often as I’d like. I worked in Denver for eight years in telecom and miss that city too. I love Colorado and hope to live there again someday part time.
CE: Have you been recognized in public yet?
Locke: Yesterday was the first time! I was checking into the gym and the guy who had scanned my ID for years suddenly said, “Hey, I know you from Design Star!” I shook his hand and told him he was the first person ever to recognize me.
CE: I Googled you and found out that you were on Jeopardy - how did you get involved with that?
Locke: When I moved to LA, I had a plan. One: become a full-time designer. Two: get on Jeopardy! Two was almost as hard as one! It took two tests, an audition and a year of waiting, but I made it on the show. That’s also what inspired me to go for Design Star because I absolutely choked [on Jeopardy] but still looked like I was having fun.
CE: Are you a trivia buff?
Locke: I love trivia, especially geography and world capitals. Ask me a country, I’ll tell you its capital and point to it on a map. I’m obsessed with maps and Google Earth!
CE: What did you think of Alex Trebeck?
Locke: He was a lot warmer in person than he appears on TV. I used to think he was a little snobby, but he’s really nice.
CE: What is your best talent outside of designing?
Locke: Fact-checking. I was a history major so I’m always verifying the source of everything. It’s incredibly annoying to my friends and family, but the Internet makes being a geek like that so much easier.
CE: If you could have lunch with one Colorado personality/celebrity/athlete/etc, who would it be and why?
Locke: Phil Anschutz. I love movies and he owns practically every movie theater in America. I’d love to hear all about that business from inside.
CE: What's next for Matt Locke?
Locke: I have crazy ambitions to design the world around us. There are so many amazing new technologies and processes for creating objects, interiors, and buildings that a designer can now do much, much more than ever before. The world is opening up to a new kind of designer and I want to be right there at the top.
Read More about Matt Locke at
(reprinted from
Colorado Springs Foodie on Food Network Design Star
The next winner of The Next Food Network Star Season 4 just might be Shane Lyons of Colorado Springs. If he wins, this 20-year-old actor and chef will have his own cooking show on the Food Network.
But before Lyons can be awarded the big prize, he needs to not only do a little more competitive cooking but also he needs to sharpen his game.
In the first episode, which aired on Sunday night, June 1, the contestants had to cook a meal in 30 minutes that would be judged by other Food Network celebrities. Lyons pork was undercooked and according to one of the Iron Chefs, the dish “had not reached a level to serve a human being.”
In the final elimination, Lyons was brought to tears as he pleaded his case to the judges so he could stay in the competition. His dramatic antics worked and Lyons survived the final cut.
Some of you may recognize Lyons as the former child actor star in the Nickelodeon show, ALL THAT.
Root for Lyons this summer on Sunday nights at 9:00 pm on the Food Network.
Photo from Food Network
Young Boulder Cyclist Eyes Olympic Dream
Cyclist extraordinaire, Taylor Phinney, 17, will give Colorado something to cheer for this summer. That’s because this Boulder High School senior and self-proclaimed Guitar Hero nut will be competing in the Beijing Olympics.
Admiringly, it took only six short months for Phinney to go from competing in his first individual pursuit race on the track to making the U.S. Olympic cycling team. It takes most athletes years to reach this level in their sport.
Competition is in this 6’4” athlete’s blood. His mother, Connie Carpenter-Phinney, is a1984 Olympic gold medalist, and his father, Davis Phinney, is also a cyclist and the first American to win a stage of the Tour de France.
Another reason to root for Phinney this summer: His father is battling Parkinson’s Disease and says the attention his son is getting is helping shed some light on this difficult and life-consuming disease.
This Celebrity Examiner is rooting for both Phinney men to win their respective battles. Go Team Phin!
Photo Credit: PhotoSport International
Famous Denver Athletes Go Commercial
It seems like a who’s who of famous local athletes making commercials these days. In fact, if you’re a news junky like CE, you’ve seen numerous commercials featuring local – and many beloved – athletes pushing products and services during the local news broadcasts on all network stations.
One of CE’s favorite set of local commercials is the 1st Bank commercials featuring former-Bronco wide-receiver and beloved KOA front-man, Dave Logan. Logan is a “handsome fellow,” according to CE, and has “one of the best voices on radio,” according to CE’s husband.
CE spoke with Logan this week to find out how he got involved with 1st Bank.
“The first year I did radio spots for 1st Bank was in 1991, and then I became spokesperson shortly after, I think in 1992,” said Logan.
Admitting that some people (aka, younger people) recognize him as the “1st Bank Guy,” he says, “Most people know I played pro football for many years, and those that have lived here awhile know me as the play-by-play broadcaster for the Broncos.”
And just so we can all feel good that Logan drinks his own Kool-Aid, he told CE, “Yes, I bank at 1st Bank and so does my family too.”
Other Denver athletes who are using their “celebrity” to push local products and companies these days include:
Colorado Rockies Shortstop, Troy Tulowitzki, is seen pumping up Hyundai of Greeley. Check out the cheesy commercial by clicking here.
Former Denver Broncos Wide Receivers, Rod Smith and Ed McCaffrey, are pushing Blackjack Pizza and Good Feet stores, respectively.
Olympic swimmer and Cherry Creek High School graduate, Amy Van Dyken-Rouen, is a spokesperson for the Rheem Team, a group of heating and cooling contractors. In an unfortunate twist of events, CE may have inadvertently offended Van Dyken-Rouen when she asked her about the “cheesy” commercials. Van Dyken-Rouen wrote CE, in an email, “I will tell you that I make my living on, as you say ‘cheesy’ commercials.” Just to set the record straight, the commercials are cheesy – not Van Dyken-Rouen or the company.
Colorado Rockies left-field hunky heartthrob, Matt Holliday, has perhaps one of the most coveted endorsement deals of all – he’s part of the national Nike SPARQS campaign (SPARQ stands for Speed, Power, Agility, Reaction and Quickness). Click here to see the ad (Note: Holliday is more prominently featured in the 30 second ad listed at the top).
Note to local companies – CE is available for endorsement deals. Bring on the “cheese-y.”
Friday, May 16, 2008
DCN is Really Blogging Now
Dear DCN Readers -
I need your support more than ever!! That's because I have been asked to be the new Denver Celebrity Examiner for I will be reposting many of my DCN blog entiries there, and will be doing so much more too! So check it out and visit often (i.e., I get paid based on the number of visitors, so visit me a few times a day if you can).
Right now my entry is on the front page - but it rotates. You'll see "examiners" on all sorts of topics.
In case you were interested, Examiner is only in three cities - Baltimore, Seattle and Denver. It launched last month and the goal is to expand in all major cities this year. The venture is backed by gazillionaire Phil Anschutz.
Thanks for your support and clicks!
DCN (AKA, Jenny Finke)
Two Local Dudes Compete for Bachelorette’s Heart

Jesse Csincsak, 26, (left) is a professional snowboarder who lives and teaches snowboarding in Breckenridge. This Celebrity Examiner was able to dig up a story about Csincsak, who earlier in the year appeared on MTV’s reality show, MADE, and taught a 15-year-old girl to snowboard. In the article he called the MADE girl “super rad” and admitted he was looking to change his focus from snowboarding to television.

Ron Mayer, 26, (right) owns an upper-end men’s barber shop called Sole Patch in Kansas City. His Bachelorette bio page says his hometown is Greeley and his MySpace page says he’s a CU-Boulder alumnus. This Celebrity Examiner says he’s yummy and is hoping he collects enough roses for a hometown date!
The first episode of the Bachelorette airs on ABC on Monday night at 8 p.m.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Sexy Denver Policewoman Doubles as American Gladiator
First the good news - Denver policewoman, Abbe Dorn, is one of the new Gladiators on the so-so throw-back NBC show, American Gladiators. While this is probably exciting news for Dorn and Denver celebrity watchers, it hasn’t been such great news for the Denver Police Department.
This leads me to the bad news. Today, Fox News uncovered a scandalous photo of Dorn on In the racy photo, Dorn is posing on all fours wearing a white lacey shirt, high heel shoes and apparently no bottoms. It seems like her career as a police officer might soon come to an end, as the Denver police would in no way want to associate themselves with a hot chick – I mean, why would they want to boost their stodgy image?!?
The 28-year-old blonde police officer lives in Centennial Park and is a body builder and former fitness model, according to her bio on the American Gladiator website. Yes, she is single. And yes, she can kick your ass.
Guess with fame brings shame. Go get 'em Tiger - er Abbe!
Photo credits: American Gladiator website; FoxNews (from
Monday, May 12, 2008
Bachelor Blows Off Hometown Girl
DCN Takes a Break; Comes Back Swinging
DCN is back! Sorry to have taken a week off. My full time job was kicking my butt. Some celeb news you missed while I was gone:
Da Coach, Mike Shanahan, attended the presidential wedding of George Bush's daughter, Jenna. Love da coach, not thrilled with da president.
Lance Armstrong is coming to Denver tomorrow! He'll be at DU to promote "Livestrong Day," which raises funds for cancer awareness.
As reported in an earlier post, Ace Young, former American Idol cheese puff, appeared on an episode of Bones today. Exciting news, I know.
On a serious note, Jeff Maggert's brother died in a place crash last week in Central City. Jeff Maggert is a professional golfer and is ranked 141 in the 2008 PGA Money List.
DCN's favorite celeb subject, John Elway, and hockey legend, Wayne Gretzky, have become shareholders in the Colorado-based Professional Bull Riders Inc., which is a national rodeo circuit. Ride 'em hard, John!
Presidential hopeful, John McCain, was stumping at the JCC in Denver last week. Oy vey!
Broncos Defensive Tackle, Marcus Thomas, is relieved and feeling "high" this week. Drug possession charges (cocaine?!?) were dropped. Whew, he dodged a bullet there. Good thing his buddy, Bryce Carter, took the heat for him.
That's all the news that is fit to blog...
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Elway Carries a Purse?!?
Spirited radioshowmen, Lewis and Floorwax of The Fox, love to dish on QB great, John Elway (and so does DCN).
This one's good: A listener sent the radio duo a photo of Elway holding a purse at the Nuggets playoff game last week. Very stylish purse, Elway!
DCN is fairly certain that is the purse of his girlfriend, Paige Green, who is in front of him (she's wearing a long scarf).
Guess it goes to show that even if you're the most famous man in Denver, even if you have your own restaurant, and even if you're wearing two Superbowl rings ... you still have to hold your girlfriend's purse.
Photo credit: Sleepy Weasel Entertainment, 303.660.3680
Oprah in Love with Telluride
DCN watched Oprah gasp at the breathtaking views from atop the mountains in Telluride during her hour-long poignant interview with the Risky Business star, Tom Cruise. In fact, Oprah was nearly brought to tears when she talked about how she wished Cruise the same kind of peace she found in the desolate mountain top.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
'Cutest Vegetarian Alive' from Boulder
The winner of PETA's Cutest Vegetarian Alive contest is none other than Leonard Sun, a 19-year-old CU-Boulder student. Boy, this is exciting news, huh?!?
peta2, the youth arm of PETA, held the peculiar contest where more than 55,000 votes were cast. Leonard's "winnings" include an official sash, a stash of vegan goodies, and a chance to model a peta2 t-shirt on Oh, and I guess he gets bragging rights too!
The CU student said he became a vegetarian three years ago because "meat is gross and unhealthy, and it's not fair to eat animals because we can."
Guess the vegetarian can celebrate his new honor by downing a big juicy Gardenburger.
Elway Arrives Late; Watches Nuggets Get Swept
Fashionably late John Elway and his gal-pal Paige Green attended the Nuggets playoff game last night, where the lowly Nuggs were swept four games to none.
All cameras and eyes were on Elway and Green - not the Nuggs - as the hand-holding couple made their way to their courtside seats at the end of the first half.
Altitude Sports reporter, Julie Browman, even interviewed the aging ex-QB late in the game when the Nuggets were trailing by a few points. She asked him what he would do in a "comeback" situation and he said it's all about gaining momentum and confidence. Looks like the Nuggs weren't able to overcome the Laker's momentum, but thanks for the good advice, John!
Now how 'bout those Avs!
Durango Darling Winning Over Brit Bach's Heart
Durango's bachelorette, Chelsea Wanstrath (pictured left), 25, is only one of two ladies left standing with roses last night on ABC's The Bachelor: London Calling. She and LA blondie and Lorenzo Lamas daughter, Shayne Lamas, will be making out with the British bachelor and doing a lot of "I'm falling in love with you" nonsense talk so they can "win" bragging rights to bachelor Matt Grant's heart and the rights to a huge diamond ring (ABC is hinting that there will be an engagement).
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Telluride Tom Talks to Oprah
Tom Cruise will once again appear on the Oprah Winfrey Show - three years after his couch-jumping crazy-antics. This time the 45-year-old glib actor will be opening his mountain home in Telluride to Oprah and her film entourage.
The Oprah-Tom love-fest will celebrate the 25th anniversary of "Risky Business," Cruise's break-out role. Friends and colleagues of the ADD actor are sending Oprah taped messages recalling on moments that the outspoken Scientologist touched their lives.
The first show will feature Oprah interviewing Cruise in his home in Telluride on May 2. The second show on May 5 will find Cruise making an appearance in Oprah's Chicago studio.
Let the spectacle begin!
Friday, April 25, 2008
La La Helps Spread the Love
MTV veejay, Alani "La La" Vasquez, will be hosting a new reality show featuring reality show has-beens. The show, "i Love Money," will air on VH1 and will feature past contestants from MTV's Flavor of Love, Rock of Love and I Love New York. Premiering July 13, contestants from the show will face off in competitions to win cash prizes. Sounds exciting, huh?
Anchorman Shawn Patrick Dishes on Denver, Ditka and Drew
If you're up early on weekend mornings, it's likely you've watched Shawn Patrick in action. Patrick co-anchors NBC's weekend morning news along with new mom, Cheryl Preheim.
Ten years ago, Patrick, who is a Chicago native, was a budding broadcast journalism major from the University of Missouri, having graduated in the same class as yours truly. In fact, DCN and Patrick graced the campus at Columbia, Missouri at the same time and even lived in the same dorm!
Perhaps this is why Patrick agreed to such a pressing interview with a budding blogger 10 years later after they have last seen one another.
Whatever the case, DCN and Patrick are back in touch for this one-time only, exclusive hard-hitting interview.
Why did you come to Denver?
Patrick: I came to Denver for the job. It was nothing exciting. I just sent a tape, interviewed and moved.
Since you’ve been here, who has been the most famous Colorado celeb/personality you've met?
Patrick: In my two years here, I can't really remember bumping into any of the big names on a story yet, like Elway or someone like that. So don't laugh, but I'd have to say Kathy Sabine is probably the biggest local celeb I've met. I’ve witnessed how intense people became when she disappeared on maternity leave. When Kathy's not around, people wanted to know where she was and when she was coming back. Some people thought Kathy’s maternity leave was a conspiracy and that Channel 9 was hiding the fact that she was going to go to another station. Interestingly, Kathy’s bio on the Channel 9 website was one of the most read stories on for months.
Besides Kathy, who is the most famous person you have ever met?
Patrick: Jay Leno
What are you favorite Denver area restaurants?
Patrick: I like the Cheesecake Factory for obvious reasons. Sam's No.2 on 15th is a great classic diner. I love that. And I like to go to Racine's for breakfast to get a good omelet.
Where are some of the popular hangouts for the Channel 9 folks?
Patrick: I'm not sure where most of the 9 people hang out, but a few of us frequent Gov's or Irish Rover. My list is limited, because I'm in bed usually by 9pm on Friday and Saturday nights for work.
Which Colorado celeb or personality would you most want to have lunch with? What would you ask them?
Patrick: I would like to meet Mr. Kroenke and talk with him about good 'ol Columbia, Missouri. I’d then ask him if I could get my hands on some Av’s season tickets, just because I’m a good guy. (DCN Note: Kroenke is a Columbia, Missouri native and University of Missouri graduate like Patrick and DCN. He owns majority share of the Avs, Nuggs, Rapids and Mammoth, and is part owner of the St. Louis Rams too. He’s also married to Wal-Mart heir and Columbia native, Anne Walton).
What Colorado news person do you most admire?
Patrick: It’s Adam Schrager hands down. Adam recently wrote a book about a Colorado Governor Ralph Carr for his true principal, defending Japanese immigrants during a difficult time in World War II. I think a lot of state and local politicians who spend time with Adam on his legislative beat would tell you that Adam is a man of great principal himself. No matter what the story or topic, Adam is always playing the devil's advocate. He sparks great discussions. He’s also a Chicago guy and a sports encyclopedia. Most important thing I'm learning about him: he's becoming a great father. He and his wife recently had a baby. He's truly an all around great human being.
Who is the biggest practical jokester at Channel 9?
Patrick: The biggest jokesters would have to be Nick Carter and Greg Moss. Carter is just a brilliant guy and never misses a beat with his wit and humor. The guy is just so much fun to work with because you never know where he'll take a conversation, even on live TV too. Makes for good laughs. But I also should say that two of the funniest guys in the building are photographers and work behind the camera: Scott Wright and Don Brookins. They just are never short of stories or jokes (some good, some corny) but they always, always make you laugh. In this line of work, laughter helps so much!
What's something surprising that people don't know about Bob Kendrick?
Patrick: I think a lot of people may know that Bob is just an athletic machine. I mean the guy not only skis a ton, but does marathons and workouts out each day before he comes to work. His workouts consist of at least two hours of running and biking. He's unbelievable. Behind all the lights and studio, he's just awesome to go to for help on a story or script. Bob is just so good with words and he comes up with a revision on such quick notice. That is a very hard skill to have.
Which member of the weekend morning anchor team spends the most time in hair and make up - you, Cheryl or Ashton?
Patrick: Cheryl spends the most quality time preparing, although she doesn't need much help. Me on the other hand, yikes, I just don't even want to think about HD sets at six in the morning where everyone can see the bags under my eyes.
Even though you’re a Chicago native, what do you like about living/working in Denver?
Patrick: I like Denver because there are so many creative people out here. There's no shortage of characters to make a great story, and it's not just Boulder, but this area seems to be filled with whacky events at times and plenty of whacky individuals.
What do you do in your free time?
Patrick: In my free time, it's all about running, lifting weights, and watching way too many sports on TV.
Speaking of sports, are you a Colorado sports fan now?
Patrick: Since I've moved here, I have jumped on the bandwagon for the Avs and Rockies. I love hockey and it's hard not to like the guys on that team for their intensity. I was lucky enough to go to one of the World Series games for the Rockies. Well, I guess, maybe not so lucky to witness that, but still, it was fun to watch a team grow with players that truly love the game, and I hope that doesn't change when the dollar signs tend to get bigger for star athletes.
Do you still follow Chicago sports teams?
Patrick: I still keep a close eye on the Chicago Bears and Cubs. However, watching the Cubs, I usually have my hand covering my eyes, and peeking in between to avoid being hurt every season.
Who's sports knowledge are you more impressed with - Dan Roan (WGN – Chicago) or Drew Soicher?
Patrick: Soicher is a real historian; he has a great knack for putting the day-to-day games and highlights in context, and he remembers events and places so well. Dan Roan's style is one that I respected a lot growing up because I watched him on WGN for years. He's nobody's mouthpiece and he will call you out for not hustling on a play or having some bad games. He's not afraid to criticize coaches or teams, and that's rare these days from sportscasters because so many are afraid of burning their bridges with athletes.
What's better: Ditka's Steakhouse or Elway's Steakhouse?
Patrick: Gotta go with Ditka's. I have to meet him one of these days and get him to sign my Ditka bobblehead. He could still run for mayor of that town and win.
What do you miss most about your hometown, Chicago?
Patrick: I was about to say I miss the sports the most from Chicago, but I'm realizing how much I love following Colorado teams. Yes I'm loyal to my Bears, Cubs and Bulls, but I was swept up in the Rockies World Series run and I'm hooked now on the Avs because I love hockey, especially playoff hockey.
What is your most memorable interview and why?
Patrick: My most memorable interview would have to be a collection of the people I met in New Orleans right after Hurricane Katrina. They just had such a tremendous perspective on life. It was depressing because some of them had nothing or very little left, but they had to keep reminding me that it was going to be okay because they had their families and they were still living. Life would go on. There were some really strong people.
Since you’re from Chicago, do you know anyone who wants to buy DCN’s condo in Elmhurst, IL?
Patrick: I will ask around next time I'm talking with friends back there. (DCN: Thanks Shawn, I need all the help I can get!)
Oh, and in case you were wondering if this handsome and soft-spoken journalist is on the market - well - he says he has a girlfriend. Sorry ladies.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Amy Van Dyken Goes Commercial
Maybe Olympic Hall of Famer Amy Van Dyken is a bit cash-strapped lately? Or maybe she is doing a favor for a friend? Whatever the case, DCN spotted Van Dyken in a cheesy Rheem Team local commercial this morning on Channel 9 - and boy was it bad!
Overly made-up Van Dyken is apparently a spokesperson for the heating and cooler contracting company.
The Rheem Team website calls Van Dyken, along with KOA radioman, Scott Hastings, as the Rheem Team team captains. Go Team!
Livin' the Lustful Life
Forbes named Denver as the most "lustful" city in its ranking of the most lustful cities in American (Forbes also ranked other cities based on the seven deadly sins of gluttony, avarice, etc.).
Denverites are having sex - well, protected sex - and lots of it. Apparently Denverites make the largest purchases of contraceptives at grocery and drug stores.Denverites also ranked fourth on the most "greedy" city list. While I ain't buying it, Forbes reports that there are a lot of billionaires living among us po' people, including Charles Ergen (pictured), the founder of EchoStar, who is worth $10.2 billion.
Other money moguls on the list: Philip Anschutz, worth $7.6 billion, and James Leprino of Leprino Foods, worth $2.1 billion.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Big Stars at Big Bills Pizza Joint
This post is for Big Jay (my dad) who is a huge fan of Big Bills New York Pizza in Centennial off County Line Rd and Holly.
DCN today read in the Denver Post that "your fine self" Denzel Washington, Doug Moe (former Nugg's headcoach and former neighbor of DCN's in-laws), and George Karl (present Nugg's headcoach) all dined at the NY pizzaria on Friday night.
Apparently the owner of Big Bills, Bill Ficke, is a former assistant Nugg's coach too.
BTW, in case you were wondering what "your fine self" is a reference too - check out Chris Rock's HBO comedy special "Bigger and Blacker" the next time it's on TV - you'll laugh your ass off.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Cavallari to Co-Star in Indie Flick with Bruce Willis's Daughter
Denver native and MTV’s Laguna Beach babe, Kristin Cavallari (pictured right), has announced that she will be co-starring alongside strange comedy man, Rob Schneider, and Die Hard daughter, Rumer Willis, in a new indie film, Wild Cherry.
The 5’2” it-girl reality star was born in Colorado and lived here until her parents divorced. Her dad moved to Laguna Beach and her mom moved to Illinois, where she lived for awhile before she decided to move to Laguna Beach and live with her father.
Wild Cherry has all the makings of a bland chick-flick. It’s about a high school senior who plans to lose her virginity to her football player boyfriend but finds out the guy is only using to her to brag about it in the football team’s “bang book.”
Shooting for the film begins in Winnipeg, Canada, on May 7. Bang! Bang!
New Anchorwoman Joins CBS4
Today CBS introduces to Denver its newest secret weapon, Anchorwoman Karen Leigh (pictured), in an effort to close the gap on NBC's huge ratings lead. Leigh joins the starchy-but-likable Jim Benemann to co-anchor the 5 p.m., 6 p.m., 6:30 p.m., and 10 p.m. news broadcasts. This Little Rock native is a seasoned anchorwoman, having spent the past four years anchoring the news at CBS in Minneapolis.
DCN has also learned that CBS is revealings its new set today - and that the station has a new HD capability. CBS4 will be the only Denver station able to broadcast live (from the scene of the story) in HD.
Friday, April 18, 2008
KOA Going Down Under; KHOW’s Boyles Back to Border
DCN has gotten the scoop from a source at KOA that Steffan Tubbs (pictured right), co-host of KOA’s “Colorado’s Morning News” program, will be broadcasting live from Melbourne, Australia next week, April 23-25. Tubbs will be accompanied by six Colorado WWII veterans to celebrate ANZAC Day (which is Australia/New Zealand’s equivalent to Memorial Day). The veterans will be guests of honor at several events, including a 95,000+ Australian-rules football game.
In other Denver radio news, DCN has learned that KHOW’s controversial and popular morning drive-time radio host, Peter Boyles (pictured below), is planning a return trip to the Arizona/Colorado border. KHOW fans will recall when Boyles broadcast from the Arizona/Colorado border in 2006 where he uncovered several disturbing stories of illegal border crossings.
Boyles is not new to talking about illegal immigration issues, which he strongly opposes. Wikipedia says that this divisive radioman “is highly critical of lack of enforcement of immigration laws at the federal, state, and local levels, and what he considers tacit government encouragement of illegal immigration.”
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Amy Van Dyken Makes USO Hall of Fame
Amy Van Dyken, the Cherry Creek High School grad who won four Olympic gold medals in Atlanta (pictured left) and two in Sydney, was officially named to the U.S. Olympic Hall of Fame this week.
Selections to the USO Hall of Fame were based on voting by the public and members of the Olympic family. Apparently only more than 100,000 people voted online.
Van Dyken will be inducted in a formal ceremony in Chicago on June 19.
Hall of Fames are nothing new to this swimming champ. As a former Colorado State swimmer, she was named NCAA swimmer of the year in 1994 and has been already inducted into the Colorado Sports Hall of Fame in 2001. In May 2007, she was the only American that year to be inducted into the International Swimming Hall of Fame.
Say Goodbye to Hollywood
Denver’s Crush Idol, Kristy Lee Cook, said goodbye last night after receiving the lowest amount of votes during Mariah Carey week on Fox’s money-making mega-hit, American Idol.
Cook, who is the sister-in-law of Colorado Crush QB, John Dutton, shed some tears as she hugged bottom-three co-blonde, Brooke White, and then thanked her fans for their support.
Now off you go!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Elway: “Spread the rumor, I’m coming back!”
Last night, John Elway dined with his girlfriend, former Raiders cheerleaders Paige Green, at the Ivy in LA. Swarmed by paparazzi, Elway joked that he and Brett Favre were coming out of retirement. “Spread the rumor, I’m coming back,” he said.
When asked about his car dealerships, Elway joked, “If you guys need a Toyota, you know where to come.”
Check out the video courtesy of TMZ.
Melo and La La Skitting?
According to the Denver Post, Nugg’s Carmelo Anthony, who was picked up early Monday morning for alleged drunk driving, couldn’t find a ride home from the police station.
Apparently officers tried to get a “responsible person” to pick up Anthony so they contacted Anthony's fiancee, La La Vasquez. Vasquez didn’t pick him up and an officer instead drove him to the Ritz-Carlton hotel where Vasquez was staying.
Vasquez defended her actions by saying in a released statement: "I will always have his [Anthony’s] back and never refused to pick him up from the police station. In fact, they [police] offered to bring him to me."
DCN, like the rest of Colorado, is still anxiously awaiting the results of Melo’s blood test, which somehow takes up to two weeks to determine if Melo was drinking when he was pulled over (although you can pee on a stick and find out your pregnant instantly??).
Colorado Calling: Hometown Dates for Two Colorado Bachelorettes
Both Colorado Bachelorettes on ABC's "The Bachelor, London Calling" have made it to the final four and will be bringing Brit bachelor to their hometowns for a little family lovin'.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Congrats to CBS’s Ericka Lewis
Weekend morning anchor, Ericka Lewis, is seeing pink these days. Earlier this month, Lewis and her husband welcomed a new baby girl to their family.
The baby girl, whose name is unknown to DCN at this time, joins big brother Joshua in their Boulder home. CBS has confirmed that Lewis will be on maternity leave for the next couple of months.
Lewis joins Cheryl Preheim (NBC), who just returned to work a few weeks ago after her maternity leave, and Dayle Cedars (ABC), who announced this week that she’s expecting twin girls in the fall, in Denver’s news industry’s baby boom. Interestingly, Lewis, Preheim and Cedars all anchor weekend morning news programs.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Carmelo Makes Uh Oh
Nugget's superstar, Carmelo Anthony, 23, was arrested early this morning on suspicion of drunk driving. He was cited at 4:00 am on April 14 at I-25 and 20th Street. It's likely the all-star forward was celebrating the Nuggets defeat of the Houston Rockets. Within games of clinching a playoff spot, the young player, who has been a gossip target in the past, should have known better.
Let's hope Anthony's stupidity doesn't lead to a suspension (although it probably should). As you may recall, Anthony bears some blame when he threw punches at the Knicks-Nuggets game last season and caused his suspension - and perhaps cost the Nuggets the a higher conference seeding last year and forcing them to play the Spurs in the first round... and we all know how poorly that ended.*
Anthony joins the Nugg's Idiot Hall of Fame, joining fellow player, Kenyon Martin, who was arrested for speeding in 2006.
Blame Anthony's stupidity on his age? Or just blame him for being stupid? DCN wants to know. Leave me a comment.
*Written by DCN's husband - DCN has no idea how poorly it ended :-)
Former Denver Idol Hotty Guest Stars on Fox’s Bones

The episode is titled, “The Wannabe in the Weeds,” and involves the murder of an aspiring young singer found dead. The investigation leads detectives to a restaurant where the singer used to work and where a handful of wannabe singers took part in a recent open mike contest.

Here is a clip of Young talking about his upcoming role on Bones to Extra
One thing DCN is confused about – has this episode aired or what? Young says “yes” in his Extra interview, but Fox shows that the episode hasn’t aired yet and is slated for end of May. Any one actually watch the show? If you have answers, please leave DCN a comment.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Another Colorado Bachelorette Desperate for Love
DCN shamefully didn’t do all her homework in her initial report on The Bachelor, London Calling. In addition to Noelle Drake on this season’s reality crapshoot, there is another hometown desperado in the bunch.
Chelsea Wanstrath (pictured), a phama rep and leading lady wannabe, is from Durango. Both Noelle and Chelsea are still in the running to win Brit Bachelor’s heart.
DCN must admit that she does not watch the show. But maybe she’ll set her TiVo to give you more interesting commentary next week. Then again, maybe not.
Anyone watch the show and willing to write a blog entry about Noelle and Chelsea?
Matthew’s Mom is Back
You’ve probably seen the commercials teasing the return of this year’s Best Weathercaster, Kathy Sabine. Actually, they’re hard to miss if you ever watch 9News because they run over and over again.
Nevertheless, DCN welcomes Matthew’s mom back from maternity leave on Monday, April 14 - just in time for the nice weather to hit Colorado.
You can see the promotional commercial teasing Sabine's return courtesy of YouTube: Warning - if you're female, have a baby, and have raging hormones, (DCN check to all!), you will either cry or get goose bumps.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Hill’s Campaign Song Has Denver Roots
As many of you know (and DCN has been clueless about for months), presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton, ditched the lame Celine Dion “You and I” song choice that her fans selected as her campaign theme and opted for a hipper option, “Blue Sky,” by Denver rock band, Big Head Todd and the Monsters (pictured left).
Smart choice, Hill, as the Rocky Mountains will host the Democratic National Convention and this song choice will likely help your campaign rally some local momentum.
If DCN were in charge of song selection, here’s what the candidates’ campaign songs would be:
Hillary Clinton could stump with a girl power song and choose No Doubt’s “Just a Girl.” You go girl – prove to the ladies of the world that it’s possible to break that glass ceiling!
Barack Obama, who continues to lament that race is not a part of his campaign even though it is, should channel some vintage Michael Jackson and change his theme song to “Black or White.”
John McCain should choose a relatively unknown song by Colin Rudd called “Old Man’s Song.” Check it out on YouTube if you’re not familiar with it:
And last but not least, Ralph Nader’s campaign song should be, most obviously, “You’re Never Gonna Get It” by En Vogue. Now if only he’d gotten the memo.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Channel 7 is Seeing Double; Cedars and Wisner Expecting Girls
DCN has learned that several staffers at Denver’s ABC affiliate are expecting twins this year.
Glowing Weekend Anchorwoman, Dayle Cedars (pictured), has recently announced that she is expecting twins this Fall.
Cedars, who chatted via email with DCN said that she and her husband, Darrin Revious, Managing Director of Frederick Ross, a commercial real estate company in LoDo, are expecting all girls.
The Wash Park resident and Ponderosa High graduate said she has started thinking about preparing the nursery. She even attended the Mother’s of Multiples sale in Douglas Country last month to stock up on baby gear.
She commented to DCN, “We are preparing for our first and second. We are thrilled and a little terrified at the same time, which I am sure every mother can attest to.”
KMGH’s News Cast Director, Mark Wisner, and his wife Lori, are expecting identical twin girls any day now. Lori is just over 26 weeks along in her pregnancy. Wisner told DCN that one of the babies is having some complications so Lori has been camping out at the hospital in hopes of prolonging the pregnancy as long as possible. On a personal note, DCN wishes the Wisner family all the best and hopes they’ll share their good news with us!
After digging around the Channel 7 website, DCN also was able to glean that beloved Sports Anchor and Highlands Ranch resident, Lionel Bienvenu, has twin boys, Bryce and Quinn. And Weekend Anchor and Highlands Ranch resident, Theresa Marchetta, also has a set of beautiful identical twin girls.
And not to one-up one another, Wisner confirmed to DCN that Katie Trexler, who recently left her post as Morning Anchor at KMGH, also has twins – a boy and a girl.
Wanna join the Channel 7 twin baby boom extraordinaire? Stop by the KMGH offices and take a sip from the water cooler.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Another Dogg Story with Colorado Connection
This is sort of a strange story that posted today from gossip gurus, TMZ.
Apparently, rapper James D. Jenkins, known as Millennium Child, filed a lawsuit in Colorado earlier this week against Snoop Dogg (pictured). Jenkins claims that Dogg stole the “music strings” in one of his songs. In the documents filed, Jenkins stupidly says, "I had hand Ice Cube manager 1 tape ... From there I don't know how Calvin Broadus [Snoop's real name] got a hold of it. The tape." That’s just silly talk!
DCN has reviewed the court documents and Jenkins doesn’t seem to be asking for any monetary damages. He says just wants “a copy of all document releated to this case.” (spelling errors intential). Check out the scribbled court documents for yourself:
At the Dog House
Reality TV bounty hunter Duane "Dog" Chapman was at the Colorado Capital today. DCN has read the reports of what he was doing here, but is still a bit unsure herself.
Apparently, he was visiting Denver to hear the House Judiciary Committee debate against a provision that would allow government agencies to compete with bail bondsmen. However, Dog's voluptuous wife, Beth Chapman, told 9News that they were here to lobby lawmakers to ensure that sex offenders remain in jail pending trial (but apparently that part was taken out of the bill before they arrived).
Anyway, you may not have realized that Dog is a Denver native and began his bounty hunting career right here in the great state of Colorado. Now, doesn't that make you proud to be a Coloradoan?
Picture - Dog and Pony at the state capital doing their standard dog and pony show.
Picture Source - Rocky Mountain News - by Dennis Schroeder
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
DCN's Birthday Wish
In honor of DCN’s official birthday – which is today – I’m asking for my loyal readers to give me the gift of comments.
There are only two readers that continually leave me comments:
One, my dear hubby, Darren. He also has a blog. It’s mostly pics of our family – but we’re happy to share a glimpse of the glamorous life with all of you.
Two, my friend Ben Westhoff, aka, MC401(k), who pens The Healthiest Man in Park Slope blog. Don’t mind his blog too much – it’s his shameless attempt to post pictures of hot women and drone on about Sex in the City’s John Corbett, one of his favorite obsessions. Oh, and he also writes about the music scene.
Remember, you can show love to me and my blog by leaving comments.
Oh, and in a greedy attempt to further my plea, please send me story ideas/tips too.
Happy Un-Birthday to All AND Happy Birthday to Me!
MTV Reality Diva Says She’s Done with Reality TV - Oh Really?
The only reason DCN is reporting on the happenings of Kristin Cavallari is because of the reality drama queen’s Denver connection.
In case you didn’t know, Cavallari is one of the “stars” of MTV’s reality shows The Hills and Laguna Beach AND she was born in Denver.
She told this week that she will not be doing any more reality shows – at least for awhile.
She said, “I have been asked to come back by MTV a million times to be on The Hills or Laguna Beach, or to do a different reality show, but I am not interested.”
DCN wants to know what it is this fleshy young woman will be doing instead. Well, she tells that she needs more “challenging” stuff and another reality show, well, just won’t cut it.
DCN is not sure that Cavallari’s acting career will pay the bills, but then again, did anyone think that Trista and Ryan would still be making the rounds after all this time?
Monday, April 7, 2008
Celebs Congregate in Vail
There were a few celebrity sightings in Vail over the weekend, as Vail hosted its 2008 Film Festival.
Entourage leading man, Adrian Grenier (pictured right), was on hand to accept the innaugural Vail Film Festival Blue Sky Tribute for Environmental Activism. Grenier is an environmental activist who drives a hybrid vehicle and uses recycled denim to insulate the walls of his Brooklyn home.
Also at the film festival was former television Wings star, Tim Daly. He’s now the handsome hunk on the not-so-impressive Grey’s Anatomy spin-off, Private Practice.The Post is also reporting that Robert Redford’s daughter, Amy Redford, was at the festival premiering her movie “The Guitar.”
And Tom Cruise’s cousin, William Mapother, was also in attendance promoting a film too (pictured left).
DCN wants to know – Do you think Mapother looks more like cuzin’ Tom, MJ Fox, or a Fraggle?
Friday, April 4, 2008
Elway, the Actor?
DCN is resurrecting another story about QB great and gossip favorite, John Elway. In case you didn’t know, Elway “stars” as himself in a movie called “Resurrecting the Champ.” The DVD is available for purchase on DCN’s birthday, Tuesday, April 8 (mark your calendars for both exciting events!).
The PG-13 movie, which came out in August 2007 and stars Samuel L. Jackson, Josh Hartnett and Teri Hatcher, didn’t make it big in theatres due to lack of marketing, but reviews of the movie tell another story – in fact, the movie seems to pack an entertaining punch.
The movie, based on a true story, is about a former boxing champ who is now homeless and living in the streets of Denver. A fictional Denver Times reporter sees the man being attacked by street thugs – but the man doesn’t go down without a fight. The Times reporter realizes there’s more to this man – and thinks perhaps that he has stumbled on the story of his career.
Although the movie was filmed in Calgary, the exterior shots were filmed in Denver. You can see the Bronco’s training ground and Elway’s restaurant (where Elway makes his cameo appearance).
You can read more about the movie at
And remember, pre-order your copy of the DVD on Amazon today!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Did Anyone See Al?
Rotund and chuckle-prone Today Show weatherman, Al Roker, was in Denver this week promoting his new Spike series, DEA. Roker is the executive producer of this testosterone-filled show that tails Drug Enforcement Administration agents in Detroit. DCN swears she’s heard of this show already – isn’t it called Cops? “Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha’ gonna do…. Whatcha’ gonna do when Al comes for you."
The affable weatherman attended the sold-out Ultimate Fighting Championship match Wednesday, April 2, at the Broomfield Event Center. UFC aired on Spike last night and then was followed by Roker’s DEA show.
Roker told RMN’s Penny Parker in an interview, "Now I will have seen the Ultimate Fighting Championship, and I think the Democratic National Convention in Denver will be like that. I think they should put (Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton) in a steel cage, and if things get hot, throw Howard Dean in there, too."
Ed. Note: DCN believes that a cage match between Obama and Clinton would be more entertaining than DEA. Sorry Al.
DCN wants to know if anyone saw Roker around town, perhaps dining at a local hot spot?
And did anyone watch DEA last night? Leave a comment to let DCN know what you thought of the show.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Dolly Week Decent for Denver's Crush
Kristi Lee Cook, the sister-in-law of Colorado Crush's QB, John Dutton, offered an okay performance last night on American Idol as she belted Dolly Parton's sweet but forgettable song, "Coat of Many Colors."
As Kristi continues to sail through the competition, DCN began to wonder if perhaps Kristi was this season's Sanjaya. Sure enough, is encouraging voters to dial for Kristi. However, DCN thinks if really held any pull in this competition, annoying Amanda Overmeyer or Danny Noriega would have been singing some good ole' Dolly last night.
Most memorably, Cook showed off her country roots by wearing a flowing dress and going barefoot on stage. Metro-sexual host, Ryan Seacrest, couldn't help himself when he commented on Cook's bare feet, telling her she had a nice "french pedicure." DCN took a small poll (ok, I just asked my husband), and by a unanimous margin, DCN has confirmed that most men do not know what a french pedicure is - that is, except for Seacrest.
Another interesting Colorado connection to the show came when Seacrest pulled out a series of postcards - Kathy Bates-like fan mail for dreadlocked Jason Castro. The postcard flashed on screen was from Colorado.
Ed. Note: If any one knows the stalker fan from Colorado, please send her my way for an interview.